Tuesday, February 1

Philly Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

Philly SUSTAIN is actively participating in Philly Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. Visit phillybds.org for more info! 

Thursday, June 25

Come out to First Friday with SUSTAIN!

We'll be holding up the mock wall in Old City and giving out information about the Apartheid Wall, U.S. support for the occupation, and the current situation in Palestine.

(Meet us at the corner of 2nd and Market at 6:30PM -- hope to see you there!)

Thursday, April 2

Join Us for a Passover Vigil

Hi folks,

If you can't make it to the all-night vigil and teach in on Tuesday, try to come out Wednesday morning for the Free Gaza protest that SUSTAIN is sponsoring, from 8-10am in front of the Israeli Consulate. Our work is not over!

Join us for a night different from all other nights -remembering, storytelling learning, and solidarity!

The teaching of Passover is at the core of the ethical tradition of Judaism: Remember we were slaves in the land of Egypt. How we treat another people defines who we are as a people. As Jews, we take this moment to affirm our ethical tradition by acknowledging the Deir Yassin massacre, an event symbolic of the atrocities of 1948, and those since, committed in our names. And we invite you to stand with us as we reinvigorate our commitment to work today for peace with justice in Israel-Palestine.

from Deir Yassin* to Gaza:
an 18 hour Passover vigil Beginning Tuesday, April 7 at 4:00 PM Continuous through Wednesday, April 8 at 10:00 AM Outside the Israeli Consulate, 19th and JFK Blvd. in Philadelphia Tentative Schedule:

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Opening events
6:00 PM Deir Yassin Memorial
8:00 PM A Passover Ritual of Memory and Repentance
10:00 PM Teach-In, Learning & Discussion
7:00 AM Morning Prayers
8:30 AM Gaza Protest and Call to Action

Please mark your calendars, and spread the word to your community.
Let us know for what part of our event you would like to join us -offer a teaching, read a poem, etc. Additional information will be forthcoming.

Please direct any questions or concerns to Susan Landau, at sjlandau@aol.com.

This event is sponsored by Philadelphia Jews for a Just Peace, PhillyJJP@gail.com the local chapter of American Jews for a Just Peace, www.ajjp.org .

** In the early morning of April 9, 1948, three Zionist militias -the Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang -- attacked the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin, located west of Jerusalem. More than 100 men, women and children were massacred. Some were mutilated and raped before being murdered. Twenty-five men from the village were paraded through Jerusalem and then executed in a nearby quarry. Those able to escape fled to East Jerusalem.

Word of the terror attacks spread rapidly, causing many Palestinians to flee, fearing for their lives. Within a year of the massacre, Deir Yassin, which had been emptied of Palestinians, was re-populated with Jewish immigrants and its name was removed from the map.For Palestinians, Deir Yassin became the symbol of the sudden loss of their homes and homeland and the near destruction of their society, a situation which endures until today. When Israel was established sixty years ago, more than 700,000 Palestinians were exiled and 78 percent of the land of historic Palestine was lost.

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